AI - Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning

AI is much more than ChatGPT!

In an increasingly technology-driven world, taking advantage of the many opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) brings is crucial to your company's success.

At Techsoft, we are determined to help you step into the exciting world of AI and realize your potential. Our trained computer scientists and experienced programmers have excessive knowledge of machine learning techniques which can benefit your business.

Diversity of AI

AI is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution.
At Techsoft we work in a wide range of AI areas, which you can be acquainted with below.


Classification is a crucial technique in machine learning and data analysis that helps organize and make decisions based on data categorization. This is indispensable for improving operations and optimizing processes.

Quality control in production

In industrial production, classification can identify defective products by analyzing images and sensor data. This prevents defective products from reaching customers and reduces waste.

Customer segmentation in banking

Banks use classification to divide customers into different segments based on their financial behavior and needs. This allows for tailored financial products and services.

Automated fault detection in the aerospace industry

The aerospace industry uses classification to identify and diagnose engine faults by analyzing sensor and audio data. This improves security and reduces downtime.


Regression is essential for predicting numerical values based on past data. This is essential for optimizing processes and predicting results.

Inventory management in the retail industry

Retail companies use regression to predict demand for products based on past sales, weather patterns, and holidays. This helps minimize inventory costs and prevent out-of-stock items.

Energy consumption forecasting in the utility sector

Energy companies use regression to predict future energy consumption based on past data and weather conditions. This makes it possible to optimize energy production and distribution.

Pricing in the transport industry

Transport companies use regression to optimize fares based on factors such as time of booking, destination and demand. This increases earnings and customer satisfaction.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays a central role in understanding and interacting with human languages. This enables advanced capabilities for data analysis and customer engagement.

Automated contract management in legal departments

Legal firms use NLP to analyze and extract legal terms and conditions from large contracts. This reduces workload and improves compliance with regulations and standards.

Customer Service Chatbots in the Telecom Industry

Telecom companies use NLP-powered chatbots to provide fast and efficient customer service via chat and voice. This reduces costs and improves the customer experience.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis for Retail Businesses

Retail businesses use NLP to analyze consumer attitudes and feedback on social media to understand the customer experience and adapt their marketing strategies.


Clustering is essential for identifying patterns in data and organizing information in a meaningful way, enabling better decision making and operations.

Quality control and production patterns in the manufacturing sector

Manufacturing companies use clustering to identify patterns in sensor and production data to improve product quality and efficiency.

Segmenting customer behavior in the retail industry

Retail companies use clustering to divide customers into groups with similar behavioral patterns, which helps target marketing and offers.

Error detection in network security

In IT security, companies use clustering to identify anomalous behavior in network traffic, helping to detect potential threats and vulnerabilities.

General Issues in Utilizing AI & Machine Learning

Importance of Preprocessing

The process of preparing your data for AI and data handling can not be overestimated. Gathering, cleaning and formatting your data is our first step towards creating efficient models and accurate results.

Choosing the Right Model

To maximize AI's potential, we will help you choose the right model for your task.
This includes considering the use of Neural Networks, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, K-Means, Support-Vector-Machines and other algorithms that best suit your data and objectives.

Our goal is to give you a clear understanding of how AI can help you increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve decision-making.